Inspiration and Creativity, Part 4: Improve

Inspired within a solid foundation in awareness and life, it’s normal and natural for you to use your creativity to upgrade quality of life as much as you can, for you, all others and all of nature.
Some people claim that happy and fulfilled people become lazy. That is in fact not true. I’ve seen it in my own life and in the lives of many others. Feeling fulfilled, you become clearer and therefore more productive because you’re less filled with doubt. You use your time and your energy more effectively. You have more energy because you’re not wasting it in confusion and doubt. You can work longer before you need a break or get tired. You interact better with people. You give clearer instructions, as you’re clearer in your focus and understanding. You need less time off to pursue distractions. In finding the best plan of action, your selfishness gets in the way less. You appreciate the people you work with more. They appreciate you more back. As a result, you get more done.
When you work from joy rather than from fear, the results are better. Chasing carrots is more fun than running from whips. Inspiration and passion draw you forward. When you love what you do, you look forward to working, stay late when necessary and go home proud of your day’s effort and accomplishments. You come up with ways to make the workflow more effective and efficient. You innovate solutions and create better systems. In contrast, unhappy people cut corners, hide problems, tell lies, and do the least work necessary to keep their job.
As you get to know the light you are more deeply, you become a light that inspires other people to shine brighter. You become the light at the center of your sphere of influence. It makes you an exemplary leader. Lit up people are inspiring. They bring light into darkness, and illuminate the world around them.
Light drives creativity, effort and work. Light inspires vision and originality. Nothing is impossible in light. Every issue in the world is made better by more light, more heart and more creativity. Throwing money at a problem will not solve it unless heart goes with the money. Even without money, more heart improves problems and leads to solutions.
As you know, money without heart can lead to great destruction. The head terrorists are rich people. Only those with extra cash (or credit) initiate the expensive national games of war and destruction. Money-hungry profiteers lay claim to Earth’s natural resources and sell them back to us for profit only because they have a lot of money to begin with. Present and past religious groups that organize persecutions, inquisitions and witch-hunts, and who hide or protect abusers and molesters have power, position, privilege and money.
What needs to happen in the world will not happen through governments, religions, big business or other institutions. These are more the problem than the solution to global issues. Entrenched, outdated positions and views are a large part of what’s wrong, has been wrong for ages, and has never been righted. The changes the world needs will come from individuals (including wealthy and powerful ones) who find their inner core and foundation. Such people live with inspired passion, and enthusiastically bust their butts to create a better, kinder, more harmonious world. You can be one such individual, in spite of entrenched, outdated and ineffective institutions.
I'll share more with you in Part 5.