Inspiration and Creativity, Part 5: Hope

Every inspired human being is creative. It’s an inherent part of the life you come into the world loaded with. You’re creative in countless personal, private and exclusive ways, in lofty, global and inclusive ways, and in constructive and destructive ways. You’re not a robot who does as they’re told. You’re always experimenting.
With your foundation in awareness and life, and in touch with your inspired creativity and the world, you can be a source of hope for enriched, empowered and compelling futures for millions of people. It gives you reason to bounce out of bed in the morning, and it gives others reason to do the same.
The light that is your life is your great source of hope because in your direct knowledge of it, you feel worthwhile and whole. The meaning of life is in the experience of life. Life cares perfectly for you, me and every other human being every moment of every day. When you feel cared for by life, your inspired natural inclination is to help others up. All that’s left to do is to extend a hand to those who don’t yet feel that way, and to confidently address arising needs.
It’s not complicated. Lit up, we’re better together. Life is the worthy cause. Nature gives us all the necessary resources. You and I share what we don’t need. Generosity comes not from deprivation and sacrifice, but from feeling content and cared for.
No obstacle keeps this from happening, except for discontent-based scarcity thinking. Since everything you think is made up, and you’re free to make up whatever you want, why not make up thoughts that work for all? Why not think ‘us all inclusive’, globally? Why not deliberately focus your thinking on protection, care and enjoyment of life, body and nature?
When you lose touch with life, you lose your inspired creativity, lose hope, and easily fall into dark, negative and depressed self-destruction. “Without a vision, the people perish.”
Life created your brain and mind as its computer. If you listen to life, you notice that life gives your brain and mind instructions to protect, serve and care. Life defines sanity that way. Any other use of your brain and mind is insane from life’s perspective.
By life’s definition, most human beings think, speak and act insane much of the time. Pay attention to your thoughts for 24 hours. Count how many of your thoughts, words and actions uplift, and how many demean and hurt. Include your put-downs of others not included in your groups when you’re with friends. You may be surprised, shocked and even dismayed.
When you connect to awareness and the feeling of life, disciplining your creative mind to life’s definition of sanity is easy. Without that connection, disciplining your mind is almost impossible. As your first priority, connect to awareness and the direct inner experience of your life. Build what’s inspired, required and creative on that foundation.
I'll wrap up this series in Part 6.