Elements of Presence – Solitude

Beyond time, space, energy and matter, and also beyond thoughts, memories and imagination is the reality of ultimate being. Its power is real, but words cannot describe it. Solitude is the way to discover it.
You can choose voluntary solitude in a safe place. There, you can find and discover the stillness of the invisible reality of being. It exists in the center of your being, and expands outward to the expanse of infinity.
Pure, content-free awareness is the nature of the core of your being. It is a doorway to the fathomless universe that enfolds you. When you want to know it and are willing to sit perfectly still, you’ll find that the door is open and the answers to your deepest longings are there for you.
You live in a world of symptom management, in which even the symptom management experts don’t know the causes of the symptoms they suppress. Not knowing the root causes, they can’t fix your problems. This is why illnesses and wars persist, and cures for them remain unavailable. In truth, something within you is the source of all your problems. Just slightly deeper, you can find all your solutions.
Lack of awareness of your internal foundation begins your problems. Awareness of that internal foundation makes practical solutions to your problems available and accessible. Aware and focused in stillness, you find insights and knowledge. Stillness is the only known reliable practice for deepening insights. They are your best source of power, wisdom and manifestation. Live your life focused. Be focused in the present, which contains all that exists. Nothing is more powerful than the present moment.
Becoming aware of being aware, you discover both the calm stillness that is awareness’ nature, and everything else that unfolds in that stillness. Real, true, personal peace has its roots in the core of your existence beyond your senses. With that awareness, you can solve the challenges and conflicts within you and surrounding you.
Look at the world. Peace has always eluded us, and we think that peace is impossible. The best we’ve gotten is temporary absence of war, which is not peace. Absence of war is more appropriately called a cease-fire.
We apply the same inverted logic of ignorance to many other topics. We don’t know the nature of health, so we put up with mere management of disease. We don’t know the nature of prosperity, so we create lifestyles based on debt. In each case, we ‘peer into darkness to discover the nature of light’. Like ignorant fools, we try to find presence in absence.
When we do arithmetic, we know better. What is 2 + 2? We know that the right answer is 4. All other answers are wrong. Truth is, there are infinite-minus-one wrong answers. By knowing the one right answer, we automatically know all of the wrong ones, too.
What if you looked into light to get to know the nature of light? What if you examined the nature of peace to get to know it, beginning with yourself? What if you observed and felt your way into health? What if you stored value rather than perpetually accumulating and endlessly paying off deficits?
War, disease and debt have spawned institutions that have great power but fail to make their individual members’ quality of life as rich, fulfilling and magnificent as it can be.
Within your being is something you’ve searched for all your life, but you’ve searched for it where you cannot find it. What you search for is not in the world outside you or in your mind and thoughts. Some people have tried to hijack and harness your search, to fulfill their own misguided agendas. The truth is that what you seek is and has always been right where you are. When you bring your awareness into contact with it and discover its nature, your life becomes fuller, richer and more enjoyable. And you find infinite possibilities and choices that enable you to build the life of your dreams.
As you get to know your mostly neglected foundation, an extraordinary life becomes possible and begins to unfold. In that personal foundation, all stress ends and peace reigns. In it reside your fulfillment, riches and power. In that core is your light, your ‘word,’ and your whole, sacred self.
Awareness underpins your essence and being. Your emptiness is not empty. It’s filled with your undiscovered magnificence. Don’t get stuck in the words. Words only point at essence; they are not essence. Let them float in the space of your being, and become aware of that space in you.
You can read more in my book Total Sexy Health.