In my last article, it was all about oxygen. And, as much as oxygen is so important, fresh water is miraculous. Of all of your body’s molecules, water is the most precious and important one. Animals require oxygen to exist, but
Fresh air is healing. When you stand near a waterfall, you breathe in negative ions produced by water falling through the air. Although it is by nature colorless, tasteless and odorless, you can almost smell that fresh charged air.
In my last post, I talked about how discipline and follow-through are healthy. Now, here’s a trick to help your shape. In 30 minutes, you can eat more food than you need, and it takes 30 hours of exercise
In Part 1 of this series, I talked about how to use your body. Part 2 is all about how living with your body in line with nature is natural. Out of line with nature, you get sick. You can
Your body–fitness, food and more–is the fourth key part of total health designed by nature. But let’s begin with a slightly larger context. As life, you’re creator and instructor on how to use your body. As body, you’re a
My last article covered additional issues caused by sugar overconsumption. In this final article in the series, I'll talk about the history of sugar consumption.
Many researchers consider sugars to be the major dietary cause of degenerative diseases. Some
In the last article, I went into more detail about carbohydrates and disease. In this article, I will examine other problems caused by excess sugar.
Sugars feed candida (yeasts), fungi, other pathological (toxin-producing) organisms, and cancer cells.
In the last article, I talked about fatty acids, and how they can both heal and harm us.
Refined sugars are digested and absorbed into our bloodstream with uncanny speed, and raise blood glucose levels too high. This is
In the last article, I discussed how how sugars and starches can keep us healthy and make us sick, and can even kill us. I'll go into more detail on that in today's post.
Some fatty acids found in nature can heal
In the last article, we discussed how sugars and starches can keep us healthy and make us sick, and can even kill us.
Children who lead inactive, TV-addicted lives while consuming popular, sugar-laden, nutrient-poor junk food diets often have weight and