Fitness, Food, And More, Part 5: Fresh Water

In my last article, it was all about oxygen. And, as much as oxygen is so important, fresh water is miraculous. Of all of your body’s molecules, water is the most precious and important one. Animals require oxygen to exist, but ALL creatures must have water to live. Without water, no living creatures at all could survive. None. Zero. Zilch. Nada.
Water is a tiny molecule, but it constitutes 70% of your body weight, and 99% of all molecules in your body are water. Dehydration from lack of water makes you weak. Having no water to drink kills you within 7-8 days.
Most of the reactions that take place in your body actively involve water. For instance, when life breaks down molecules in your body, it splits a water molecule and adds a fragment of it to each broken end. When life reacts two molecules together, it subtracts a water fragment from the end of each molecule to make them sticky, so that they’ll bond together.
In a lifetime of 100 years, life draws 88-110 tons of water into your body. By weight, that’s 22-27 times more than the 4 tons of nutrients that life absorbs into your body in that time. Given that so much water courses through you, ensuring its purity and quality should be a high priority. You drink 12 times your body weight of water every year.
Sunlight evaporates ocean water, dumps it on land as rain and snow from which water flows, pulled down by gravity through rivers and lakes, back to the salty sea from which it came. In the process, water makes your planet both cool and green, and inhabits the plants and animals you eat. You drink this water. It bathes you internally, and quenches your thirst.
Fresh, cold and flowing water from a mountain stream below a glacier is glorious because it is healthy, and makes you feel vibrant. Milky white, oxygen- and mineral-rich, and micro-clustered, this water may even be alkaline. But fresh water does not stay fresh for long. By the time it is tap water in the city where you live, it is stale, old, dirty, and chlorine-poisoned. The good news is that specifically designed technology can make old, stale tap water fresh again.
How Water Molecules Behave
Water is a highly interesting molecule. It breaks many of the usual rules of physical chemistry. For example, water is
- The only widely available molecule that exists in gas, liquid and solid states at normal planetary temperatures
- One of few molecules that expand when they freeze. That’s why freezing water will break glass bottles and make a mess. It’s also why ice freezes on top of water, leaving the water below liquid for fish to swim in
- Densest at 4°C, and at this temperature sinks to the bottom of a body of water. Water colder than 4°C will rise, and so will water warmer than 4°C
- The universal solvent, in which everything dissolves to some extent
- Able to form weak hydrogen bonds with other molecules, forming associations that change molecular interactions. This may be one of the reasons why some people suggest that water has memory
- Able to hold an electric charge more effectively than other molecules
- Able to show a wide range of pH, from highly alkaline to highly acidic, with a wide range of practical properties, from detergent to antiseptic
In all, water shows more than 40 anomalies in its behavior. Many of these anomalies are theoretically super-complicated and beyond the scope of this book.
Globally, water is a widespread, abundant and effective sustainable natural source of clean industrial energy. Intelligent global water management can provide a great deal of sustainable local energy. It can end drought, dehydration and desertification. It can prevent crop failures and starvation, and prevent loss of soils by wind. Intelligent management of water can end flooding, erosion and wars over scarce water, land and food resources.
In Part 6, I share a lot of information about food, and it's relationship to fitness.