Fitness, Food, And More, Part 1: Context

Your body–fitness, food and more–is the fourth key part of total health designed by nature. But let’s begin with a slightly larger context. As life, you’re creator and instructor on how to use your body. As body, you’re a vehicle for action to serve life in the world. As life, you’re the ‘determinator’ of what to feed and how to exercise that body in ways that optimize its capacity to serve. As body, you’re a physical contraption that life uses to protect and care for living human forms. Your body is life’s physical instrument.
Life creates and moves your body around, and uses your body to move things around. Life creates your brain, and uses your brain and mind as its computer to absorb and process information, and to enable decisions that set the direction for work. Your body is your means for physical action on the physical plane of a physical planet.
Your first and most important activity is breathing. Breath is the bridge that links life with your body. When breathing stops, life and your body part company. Be aware of your breathing. It’s the foundation of all your other physical doing. On the bridge of breath, you cross from body awareness to life awareness, which reveals to you the power as well as the light you are. On the bridge of breath, you cross from life awareness to awareness of the body, your temporary physical ‘machine’.
Physical health is a worthwhile but losing proposition. In time, your body gets diseased and demolished. This means two things. First, choose worthwhile projects. Uplifting, noble, inspired, empowering projects always involve caring for life. Don’t squander your only body on trivial pursuits.
Second, don’t be too attached to your body. Treat it like a good servant. Don’t neglect it. Neglect is cruel. Don’t indulge it. Indulgence is sloppy. When you treat your body with respect, it serves you effectively to accomplish worthwhile purposes for the longest possible time, with a minimum of pain. Eventually, as life, you give your used up, spent, exhausted body back to nature for recycling.
Physical Pain
Physical pain results from different ways of living out of line with your surroundings, as when you
- Take in dirty air, water and food
- Bang into things
- Fight at times when you should run
- Act carelessly regarding dangers that sun, air, water and rocks can pose
- Allow toxins and damaged food molecules into your body
Toxic substances act like monkey wrenches in the biochemical architecture of your cells and tissues. They derail or block natural molecular interactions, produce symptoms of illness, and hasten your premature departure from your body. These include pesticides, plastics, drugs and industrial chemicals, but also cosmetics, preservatives and food molecules changed by industrial processing and food preparation. Oils damaged by heat during processing or cooking cause more health problems than any other part of nutrition. If you want physical health, don’t fry, deep-fry or barbecue.
Life invented pain to get your attention, let you know that something needs to change, and push you in search of relief. When you make the necessary changes, healing happens, and then pain subsides and ends. If you don’t respond to low-grade pain, life turns up the volume. Sooner or later, life will get your attention. If a grain of sand fails to alert you when you’re not paying attention, life sends a rock. If a rock doesn’t get your attention, life will send a boulder. Be alert. Avoid having a boulder wake you up.
Your body is made from sunlight, oxygen, water and food. That’s it. For most of the time that our planet has been spinning in space, nothing else was required. Sun, air, water and foods properly used were primary health care. No drugs were needed. No drugs were used. To call the medical industry’s service ‘primary health care’ misrepresents that service, which honestly is ‘disease management’. This has a place, but let’s call it what it is. It creates confusion. It makes choosing health difficult, if not impossible.
Chasing Health
Even preventive medicine is still disease-oriented. We use it to stave off cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, stroke and others. Why not go a step further and chase health instead? Do you know why hardly anyone pursues health? Do you know why you don’t pursue it? You don’t know what to do to go to health. The people who tell you to be more responsible for your health don’t provide you with a road map.
One hundred billion people have lived on planet Earth. None in all that time developed a clear, comprehensive definition of health or a true health care system. As a result, you lack the knowledge you need to make choices that bring you closer to total health. A definition of total health must take nature and your human nature into account because that’s where total health lives. Life invented total health in nature and human nature. When you give each key part of nature and your nature its due, you improve your health, one part at a time.
True primary physical health care, which makes you exude physical health, is the use of:
- Fitness, consisting of activity, recovery, rest and sleep
- Sunlight
- Fresh air (oxygen)
- Fresh water
- Fresh whole raw organic mostly plant-based foods
- Optimized digestion
- Avoidance of poisons and detoxification
Using all of these together, you create a body that works, repair a body that doesn’t, and make your body optimal. In my next post, I'll talk about our bodies and fitness.