Look around. Yours is an extremely diverse, complex, complicated human world. I’m in Los Angeles right now, in a hotel room, with desk and chair, toilet and TV, shower and windows, my computer and a cell phone that connects me
Social health involves membership in groups larger than your individual self. On the negative side, groups enable you to let others lead you. They can give you a sense of belonging before you’ve discovered that by nature, you first and
Social ease and connection is the sixth key part of Total Sexy Health Designed By Nature. A few years ago, a credit card company ad trumpeted, ‘Membership has its privileges.’ It’s true, and membership also has limitations, disadvantages and restrictions.
As body, you fight, flee, freeze or withdraw
As survival mind, you assess change and then decide on actions for the body to take to optimize your chance of survival
As creative mind, you design strategies for
Stress is the great global disease of modern times and the root of much of what ails us. I’m in a hurry. You’re in a hurry. Everybody is chasing around, cutting corners, trying to get stuff done. Human beings turn
Life is a catalyst. What is that? A catalyst enables something to happen but is not itself changed or affected by what it makes happen. Life is the catalyst that creates your DNA program of 20,000+ genes. It powers the
I am the source of inspired creativity in my world, my personal sphere of influence. You are the source of inspired creativity in your world, YOUR sphere of influence. Large or small, each of us is the center of a