Social Ease And Connection, Part 2: Groups

Social health involves membership in groups larger than your individual self. On the negative side, groups enable you to let others lead you. They can give you a sense of belonging before you’ve discovered that by nature, you first and foremost belong to life. In groups you can find a place to hide, another ‘mother’ to take care of you and a place where you can duck out and let others do the heavy lifting. Before you join any groups, come to terms with some basic aspects of yourself, such as
- Accepting self-responsibility
- Being in-dependent on life
- Standing on your own feet
- Talking straight and walking tall
- Making your own decisions regarding how to live true to life
- Knowing what to do with your time on Earth
- Being clear what you bring that contributes to the group
The positive, sexy side to external belonging begins after you’ve taken charge of your sexy self by being fully present in it. Once you know that life takes perfect care of you and you are whole, there’s nothing better and more fun than pitching in and helping others improve the quality of their lives. You’re sexy when you do that.
Then, within the rules of the group and the roles you accept, based on your individual gifts and talents, you can laugh and play, connect and communicate, put your shoulder to the common wheel, protect members and bring greater thriving to all. Contributing to the thriving of others is super-sexy.
Belonging is a two-edged sword. If you’re not whole, you shame your community, add extra burdens to the members and contribute to the destruction of the group. If you are whole, you influence others in the direction of their sexy wholeness, bring wisdom and light, and contribute to the sexy, life-based radiance of your fellow members.
The key is YOUR state of being. In what state of being do you live? In what state of being do you want to live? Practice it. Be that. Hold to it. Be present. Be real. Be lit up from within by the sexy light of life that you are. Help where you can. Make it work for all. Give your unique talent freely.
Imagine social groups where all members live that way. Imagine the world with 8 billion citizens all committed to living that way, sexy beyond race, gender, religion and nation; feeling whole, fulfilled and present in life. Do you want to be the kind of person who adds that kind of value to the social groups to which you belong? I surely want to be that kind of a person and to work to create that kind of a social group and world.