Inspiration and Creativity, Part 6: Balance

I am the source of inspired creativity in my world, my personal sphere of influence. You are the source of inspired creativity in your world, YOUR sphere of influence. Large or small, each of us is the center of a personal sphere of influence.
Your degree of total health measures to what extent you live fully present in all of your being. You are an example that elevates others or lets them down. Your state of being always affects those in your sphere of influence to become more like you. How do you show up in your being?
You model your state of being for others, and set an example, not only by your words but also by the actions that express it. You model the level of awareness (or ignorance) at your center. You model the inner light shining (bright or dim) from within. You model constructive or destructive creativity from inside yourself. You model physical health and habits from inward out. You model crisis management from your state of being. You model social behavior from your personal presence. You model relationship to nature out of yourself. You model oneness with the infinite scheme of things from inner relaxation. You model calm or agitated states of being from within you.
All of these together create your influence on self and the world. When all of these in you are in balance and you give each its due, you bring balance into your sphere of influence. Lack of balance in you shows up in your surroundings. Research shows that the ONLY reliable indicator of insightful living is the extent to which a person cultivates and deepens their inner experience.
As you align more closely with all of nature and your nature, you change your influence on your surroundings. Become more aware and disciplined through deepening self-knowledge. Become more positive by connecting to the light you are and the creativity that life inspires. Become more deeply aware of the infinite that orchestrates everything everywhere in this eternal moment. Powerfully affect your sphere of influence.
Like it or not, in your sphere of influence, you are the leader. Every other human being is the leader in her/his sphere of influence. To what do you lead? What do you model? You’re free to influence those in your sphere in any direction you want. Be deliberate. Be aware. You have the power to make real the most remarkable world that you and humanity have ever dreamed of.
What some people have called ‘Heaven on Earth’ is possible. Some call it the ‘Golden Age’. Those states of being already exist here. They’ve always been here. They’re based on each individual’s full presence. Some people already live aligned with that world. You don’t need to wait for someone else to bring it. You can create it out of its existence in your nature. You can be the change, and create a world that in every way works for all, beginning with you.
Have you noticed that when you focus too much on change, you create stress in your mind, which can throw you off balance? Then you lose touch with your creative juices and become a victim of stress. You don’t need to let that happen. Balance times of mental stress with inspired creative projects. Focus on dreams you want to develop. They keep your hope up. In the midst of stress, deliberately make time and room for creative projects.
Creativity keeps you light and restores your balance. Balanced, you deal with stress much better.
If you have enjoyed this series, you can read more in my book Total Sexy Health.