How can we change the fat content of our body? To increase the amount of w3 EFAs in our fat tissue, which is desirable for both beauty (they make skin soft and velvety) and health (they decrease our risk of
Next to water, which makes up about 70% of the total weight of a human adult, and 84% of that of a newborn infant, fat is the most abundant substance found in our body. We may not like that, but
What is poison, and why is poison poisonous? Poison is any substance (or energy) that blocks, inhibits or derails natural interactions between the molecules that build and run the biochemical architecture of your body. They are poisonous because they interfere
In my last article, it was all about oxygen. And, as much as oxygen is so important, fresh water is miraculous. Of all of your body’s molecules, water is the most precious and important one. Animals require oxygen to exist, but
Fresh air is healing. When you stand near a waterfall, you breathe in negative ions produced by water falling through the air. Although it is by nature colorless, tasteless and odorless, you can almost smell that fresh charged air.
In my last post, I talked about how discipline and follow-through are healthy. Now, here’s a trick to help your shape. In 30 minutes, you can eat more food than you need, and it takes 30 hours of exercise
In Part 1 of this series, I talked about how to use your body. Part 2 is all about how living with your body in line with nature is natural. Out of line with nature, you get sick. You can
Your body–fitness, food and more–is the fourth key part of total health designed by nature. But let’s begin with a slightly larger context. As life, you’re creator and instructor on how to use your body. As body, you’re a