Life, Light, And Energy, Part 1: Perfect Health

Life energy is perfect health. Why is life perfect health? Life is energy in formless flow. It can’t be created or destroyed. Energy feels no pain, never gets sick, and does not degenerate. Life energy is beyond death. As life, you are beyond all these. You are life, and life is whole. How do you know? You know it when you focus your awareness into life.
Your body, having form, is subject to breakdown. You feel pain, get sick or injured, and show symptoms of breakdown. Energy never shows deficiency symptoms. It is always perfectly healthy. Energy cannot be poisoned. It cannot be cut, dehydrated or starved. It has no eyelids and needs neither rest nor sleep. It is not made stronger by exercise or activity. It needs no food to power it because power is its nature.
Before going on, let me share a story that points to how we confuse life and the body in our assessments and our use of words. When we look at people, we judge them on the basis of their physical endowments. We talk that way to friends in our casual conversations. Like it or not, it’s a learned cultural habit.
But sometimes, the one whose bodily endowments we so admire dies. First, we’re in shock. As soon as we recover from it, we notice that his/her body is no longer attractive to us. The body has not changed. It’s the same, only now it is life-less. Maybe we don’t even want to look at it or touch it. Maybe we want to get away from it. We call someone and have it taken away. Within a few days, we bury or burn that body we so loved, or we get others to do it for us. So let me ask you a question. When you love a person, is it life or the body that you love? If you say both, then why don’t you keep the body around when the life is gone?
Life keeps your body going all the time, regardless of whether you forget, ignore or even curse it. Life cares for your body without asking anything in return. While you wake and sleep, life beats your heart, moves your breath in and out, and digests your foods. It repairs your injuries. Life’s unconditional love for your body makes life your body’s perfect lover.
Life integrates the events of the day with your internal mental maps of yourself in the world, your personality. Life makes thinking possible. You get to choose your thoughts. A friend and mentor said it well, “The ability to think is life’s gift to you. What you think about is your gift to yourself.”