Elements of Presence – Oneness

The personal experience of an infinite foundation is attractive. It can be called the ‘All,’ but many different names refer to it. The deepest desire and longing of every being is to know and be one with our infinite, mysterious, invisible source.
Someone once called it the ‘ocean of answers’. That ocean is filled with answers for which you’ve not even formulated questions yet. Endless answers float in that ocean. In fact, all your questions dissolve in the internal ocean of answers, not because they’re answered in a specific verbal way, but because in your central state of being, you are not confused about life and living. You’re filled with joy and wonder at the magnificence of your existence. What’s to ask when there’s enjoyment?
You’ll notice that when you tap into that internal presence, you’ll also get new insights into any topic you focus on. It’s a place of unlimited knowledge embedded in life. Where else should you find the answers about life and living than within the life that creates you and your living world? Whatever is your area of interest, you find simple, practical, profound understanding of that area when you connect your awareness to what is deeper than health within you.
In that state, there are no thoughts because it is beyond how deep thoughts can take you. Insights from there are not the result of thinking something through. They’re already present in that state, and show up the moment you present a topic to the ocean of answers. They’re natural answers based on the nature of reality.
Imagine having unlimited resources that you can apply to whatever question, problem, challenge, or interest you have. All that’s within you. To dig it out, spend time alone, still, relaxed with your awareness on the thirst of the heart. Feel it. Sit with it. It may feel intense, but it will not hurt or eat you. Don’t judge it. Just feel it. Accept it. Acknowledge it. Embrace it. Learn to appreciate and even be grateful for it, because it is your greatest gift other than being alive. That ache will lead you to the open door within your core through which you enter the boundless mansion of your being.
Be patient. Expect that it may take time and practice to get good at bringing awareness back to the center of your being. For decades, you’ve focused your awareness on your thoughts, your body or the outside world, and you’ve spent little, if any, time with your awareness immersed in the ocean of answers that is your deeper inner being. You get good at what you practice, so commit to and practice focused inward concentration. With time, you’ll get as good at bringing your awareness inside as you’ve become at moving awareness outward. Within, you get to know your brilliant self.
In your awareness, you can be present in the peace that is real, knowable and beyond health, but also present in your body and the world. How present are you? The answer depends on your practice of presence on a moment-to-moment basis. When you have that experience, you are one with all that is.
In that experience, each one of you is fully home, fully accepted and fully welcome. Letting go, you can enter this state of peace. The moment you create an agenda, the focus of your awareness shifts from oneness to that agenda, and you’ll likely lose your connection with oneness. It’s not easy to be one with infinity and at the same time be preoccupied with your manufactured separate self.
The realm of oneness is the only realm in which misuse is not possible. What do I mean? Let me give an example. A terrorist can learn and improve mental skills and how to eat and work out more effectively, thereby becoming a more effective terrorist. The feeling of oneness cannot be misused, because when you misuse it, YOU lose your experience of it. It’s instant payback.
Be self-aware. Internal self-awareness is your greatest gift to yourself and to the world. You can continue reading about it in my book Total Sexy Health.