Elements of Presence – Peace
![Peace is already everywhere that’s real.](https://udoerasmus.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/shutterstock_220956421.jpg)
The internal awareness that’s beyond health is everywhere within and without you. It’s formless and has no inside or outside. You can’t picture it. Some people call it the ‘zero point field.’ It’s also been called peace, joy and love, as well as presence, perfection and ultimate reality. Some name it wholeness or consciousness. It can’t be understood, but can be known. It’s beyond, but also within your body, social group and nature. Actually, you belong to it. Awareness is your impersonal, infinite essence.
It’s what you deep down long for and seek to be one with, and the cosmic joke is that it’s already everywhere that’s real, including inside your being. The only place where it’s NOT is in your fantasies and your imagination. If your awareness is disconnected from itself because you’ve focused it elsewhere, you miss the nature of being aware of your internal essence.
Think about it this way. Peace is already everywhere that’s real, but only peace can perceive that. Your foundation of peace is more powerful than anything else. However, peace is so real that it can’t exist in what’s not real. What exactly is not real? All words, thoughts, theories, concepts, ideas and ideals are made up. Because they are mental constructs, they are neither real nor true. Peace is never found in them. Why so? Real peace, which exists only in reality, cannot exist in theory. Theoretical peace is an imagined mental construction. It is a mirage without substance. Two insights flow from the above statement about peace.
First, if you can’t connect with the peace that is everywhere, it’s because the focus of your awareness is not connected to the peace that exists within you, and the peace in you therefore does not inform your perception. When peace in you informs your looking, it sees peace everywhere. In fact, then all it sees is peace. Only peace can see, hear and feel peace. Know the peace YOU are in you, and you know the peace that’s everywhere. Your state of being creates your reality. That’s how it works. Peace recognizing peace.
Second: The fact that most of us don’t know the peace that is everywhere indicates the extent to which we live our lives in fantasy. Recent research shows that you notice only 10% of what goes on in the world, even when you pay attention to it. 90% of what you report isn’t happening in the outside world, but you project it onto the outside world from your memories, beliefs and prejudices, and from your attitudes and your imagination. Though you hold these to be true in your mind, they’re figments, illusions or delusions that you substitute for truth. Some people even call them personal hallucinations.
Most of us live much of our lives in mental constructs that have no basis in reality. Most of our problems come from living that way. It’s a scary thought. It’d be REALLY scary if it weren’t for the presence enlightened souls living on our planet who know better. They help us refocus our awareness into reality as soon as we realize our need to do so. This, in a variety of different words, is the message of great masters, who graced this planet with their presence.
They and their messages were so powerful that many of you are still in love with them, even hundreds or thousands of years after their physical departure. One of them, Socrates, said, “Know thyself!” He also said, “The unexamined life is not worth living.” Jesus said, “You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” He also said that there is a “peace that passes all understanding,” and a “perfect love that casts out all fear.” Masters have said, “I am in you, as you are in me.” And “You and I are one.”
You can read more about peace in my book Total Sexy Health.