Life, Light, And Energy, Part 5: Whole

Life, which is energy, which is light, sound, feeling and taste, is so whole that it can never break down, sicken or deteriorate.
Fire cannot burn the energy of life. Wind can’t blow it away. It can’t be bent, spindled or mutilated. Water can’t wet or freeze it. A sharp instrument can’t cut it. A bullet cannot put a hole in it. A bomb can’t blow it apart. In seeing, hearing and feeling the energy of life, you get to know a wholeness that’s not physical.
All day and all night, without weekends or holidays off, life energy rebuilds your body for an average of 75+ years. Your body, constantly being damaged and repaired, is a major 24/7/365 construction site. Life powers the removal and replacement of 98% of the atoms in your body each year, and draws in more than 12 times your body weight of water, washes your body with it internally and then removes it. Life also pulls about 3 times your weight of free oxygen into your body annually.
Wholeness is not physical. It’s the feeling of life. Whole by nature, life does not depend on and remains unaffected by the state of your body, your mind, your tribe and your environment. Let’s push this even further. Even when your body is racked with disease, your thinking is completely disorganized, your social group is in chaos and your environment is a disaster area, your life energy is not affected and you feel whole the moment that you focus your awareness into it.
Drama, trauma, crisis and emergency distract you from the feeling of wholeness in life. It’s understandable that you should attend to them. But is it possible to attend to them and still maintain your connection with the whole feeling of life at the same time? Yes, it’s possible. It’s simple, but becomes easy only with practice. That’s why wise ones recommend that you master re-connecting with the feeling of wholeness in life before crises distract you, while you have the time and luxury to do so.
The saying, “When you’re up to your ass in alligators, it’s hard to remember that your original intent was to drain the swamp,” rings true, but it is ‘hard’ to remember, not impossible. May I tell you a story from childhood?
You already know that I was born in a war. As a child, I got completely caught up in the drama and trauma of it. All the while, life took perfect care of me from inside, but my awareness was focused on the external mess of war and social chaos.
It first occurred to me when I was 27 (24 years after the war ended) that life had cared for me through all of it, and then it struck to me that maybe I should make friends with and get to know this life that had so well looked after me. Soon after, I began to practice re-connecting my awareness inwardly to life. As I become better at doing so, I continue to be pleasantly amazed and surprised by the feeling of beauty embedded in life.
Now my practice of self-knowledge is easy and fun, and most days I look forward to doing it. Through this practice, I began to see my life from the perspective of life rather than that of war. In retrospect, I know that as scary as it was, the terror of being a child in a war was a powerful gift to me. Why?
If finding real peace and promoting the possibility of it is part of my purpose for being here, the best way to prepare for that mission is to learn early what happens when we don’t cultivate peace when we have space and time for it!
Don’t start your inner practice when you’re fleeing from the guns of the wars that started because you did not give time to the practice of peace during peacetime. Start NOW. If enough individuals had done so, we could have pre-empted and prevented the Big War. If enough of you do so now, all wars can be ended and prevented.
Peace is both the cure and the prevention of war. And, peace is a personal, internal, real experience with roots within every single living human being. Before peace can take over the world, though, you have to let it take over your inner world of awareness.
Let me make one other point. There has never ever been anything wrong with any of you, no matter what others have told you or what you’ve told yourself. Nothing has ever been wrong with you, even though you disconnected from life, felt bad feelings, thought nasty thoughts, said hurtful words and acted destructively with predictable destructive results. How can that be? You are not your feelings, not your thoughts, not your words, not your actions and not their consequences.
In your essence, you are life and awareness, and there has never been, is not now, and can never be anything wrong with life or awareness. In your essence, you have always been whole, cared for and perfect. When you live aware of both life and awareness, you increasingly become an expression of these two perfections, and what you feel, think, say, and do changes in positive ways.