What is Health? The 8 Key Parts
What is health? Health is your natural state. Health is your foundation. Health is vitality. Health is wholeness. Health is inner calmness. Health is a life lived from your infinitely calm foundation. The World Health Organization defines health as “total physical, mental and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease and infirmity.” That’s a start, but a lot more goes into total health than that.
Health is total presence in all of your being.
Total presence includes inner peace, a life lit up, inspired creativity, a body fit and fed in line with nature, and survival smarts: handling stress and crisis with confident competence. Total presence in all of your being enables you to live an enjoyable life with reliable systems for protection and safety built in. Total presence includes social ease with others in mutual acceptance and cooperation, respecting nature, living in calm presence, and accepting the timeless infinite.
The wholeness that’s total presence in all of your being has eight key parts, for which I’ve developed eight steps designed by nature to lead you to wholeness. I’ll be expanding on each step in the coming weeks, but here’s a preview of what I’ll be sharing.
1. Presence/Internal Awareness Health is awareness of inner contentment deep in the core of your being. When you’re aware down into the depths of the rich feeling of your inner self, you know real, healthy peace. This is possible under any circumstance. The power of dwelling in the inner silence of your being, fully present is attractive. This is true regardless of whether you’re a young or old man or woman.
2. Life Energy Health is vital energy. When you live lit up by life, you radiate. The radiation of light that results from being the life you are is highly attractive. It transforms plain, even scarred looks into spectacular beauty. Even when you’re old and your face is deeply wrinkled, you become phenomenally beautiful the moment your eyes light up.
The truth is that the energy of life is its essence.
3. Inspired Creativity Health is the inspired creativity that life exudes. Inspiration is the bridge between life and the physical world. From inspiration, you create. A feeling inspires creativity, from which you invent new images, words, thoughts, actions and results. Creating what has never been is powerful. Inspired creativity makes the world shine.
4. Physical Body Health is a body in line with nature. You like fit bodies and good hygiene. You want fresh air, water and food. You celebrate efficient effectiveness and excellent performance. Millions pay money to watch, with rapt attention, a highly specialized, entertaining physical performance with zero relevance to your survival – we call it ‘sport’.
5. Survival Smarts. Health is competent response to stress, changes, crises and emergencies. A confident voice in such situations is attractive. So is decisive action to fight or avert danger. Leadership that protects others from harm, calmness under fire, and courageous, bold protective acts and care are compelling. A Superman who can pierce steel with his eyes is far less of a hero than you standing fully present in danger and protecting and caring for the lives you live to serve.
6. Social Group Health is social ease, grace and acceptance. It’s also connection, reliability and contribution. When you’re comfortable within yourself in the company of friends, strangers or enemies, you’re magnetic. Keeping promises is essential. When what you say and do line up, it’s gorgeous. When you feel empowered in your own being, and use your power to empower others, you’re incredibly enticing. When you lend a hand to help where help is needed, you are an example of check-me-out sexy. When you give others space to learn from their efforts and mistakes, you’re aligned.
7. Natural Environment Health is respect, reverence, and gratitude for nature. You’re conceived in nature, and you live and die in her. Your body is nature and belongs to nature. When you live and act in line with knowing that, you’re living sustainably and taking care of nature as nature takes care of you. Nature and your nature come from the same one source. You’re a cell in the body of nature. Each cell has both autonomy and community. Each is independent, minds its own business, does what it has talent for, accepts what it needs from other cells and gives what it has extra. It does not hoard, and takes its instructions both from life and from the needs around it.
8. Infinite Awareness Health is calm presence. Calm presence is the acceptance of your temporary part in the infinite order of the universe. The phrase, “Relax. Nothing is under control!” nails it. You don’t need to fight what is. Conscious, calm and relaxed acceptance of what is, not by your small will, but by the will of the formless, nameless infinite power that creates everything.
When infinity flows through you, you know it and you feel it.
In the coming weeks, I’ll be expanding on each of these key parts of total health — and including actionable steps you can take. You can also learn more in my book Total Sexy Health.