Life, Light, And Energy, Part 2: Catalyst

Life is a catalyst. What is that? A catalyst enables something to happen but is not itself changed or affected by what it makes happen. Life is the catalyst that creates your DNA program of 20,000+ genes. It powers the transcription of your genes into the RNA program from which, in your cells, life makes structural proteins, functional enzymes and receptors. Life powers all of the chemical reactions that govern the entire biochemistry of body construction, repair of parts worn out, and removal of molecular debris resulting from all of these activities. As a catalyst, life makes possible the activities of
- Ingesting fresh building blocks in the form of food when more of them are needed
- Imbibing the water necessary for body functions when your body is thirsty for it
- Breathing to bring in air when your body needs oxygen for energy production
- Relieve your body of wastes in a full bladder or colon
- Going to bed to take rest and get sleep when your body is tired
- Putting on clothes when your body feels cold and taking them off when your body feels hot
- Moving your body away from what can hurt it
- Assessing what to fight or run from and what to embrace
- Perpetuating its game of physical embodiment
- Building shelter and safety for your body and those of others close to you
- Protecting and raising your offspring
- Playing games and doing work
Life catalyzes everything that makes possible the super-complex dance on all levels of physical existence and mental function, from electron movement to mass marches.
The Power That Is Life
Your life is the power that runs everything and remains unaffected by what it powers. In your personal essence, you are this energy, this power. Most of the time, you think of yourself as your physical body or as the stories and beliefs that you hold to be true. But, you are NOT your body. You say, “This is my body, my eyes, my arms and legs, my stomach, my neck, my feet and so on.” ‘My’ is possessive, and means that you own the body and its parts. You are not your body. You are its owner.
You are NOT your thoughts, either. You call them ‘my’ thoughts, or ‘my’ brilliant insights. You own all of these mental capacities. You talk about my clothes, my bed, my house, my property, my neighborhood, my city, my province and my country. You’re not any of these; they are your possessions. You are their owner. Most of the time, you don’t pay attention to how imprecisely you use words. You don’t notice how much confusion in understanding and communication comes from this lack of precision.
You’re not your body or any of its parts. You are not any of your thoughts, images or stories. You’re not any of what you cover your body with, nor are you what surrounds it. Nor are you a victim of any of these.
If you aren’t any of these, then what exactly are you? Think about it for a moment. If you strip away everything you are not, what is there that you cannot strip away? Is it a good question? I love this question. You can strip away clothing, home and environment. You can change your mind at will. You can lose arms, legs and body parts, and still be ‘you’. You finally come down to what? One step up from unbroken infinite awareness, you are life. Beyond life is awareness, which is not personal (you), but universal (all).
Awareness owns life, and life owns the body. Life is the ‘I’ that owns your body. Your body is life’s body. Life is the personal presence and power that you are. As life, you own and direct everything going on in your sphere of influence: your body, thoughts, words and actions, and their results, effects and consequences.
Contrary to modern materialistic science, energy has always preceded and ‘owned’ matter. The energy of the ‘Big Bang’ preceded the creation of matter and the galaxies made from it. Sunshine energy first activated and energized atoms on earth to power the chemical reactions that created molecules, which eventually led to the construction of biological creatures. At first meeting, a spark of energy that passes between two people precedes courtship, mating, pregnancy and physical embodiment.
This is also true regarding banks and money. Energy preceded their invention and still owns them both. Without life energy, banks and money have no meaning. Energy’s supremacy also applies to business enterprises. Life energy precedes thinking and imagination, which in turn precedes their materialization into a business venture. No life; no inspiration; no business manifestation. Energy also precedes laws and government institutions, as well as the enforcement structures of courts and jails. Dead people need and make no laws. Bodies without life energy are not subject to enforcement or punishment, either.
In practice, most of us are rarely aware of the energy we are. Much of what we, as life, do in our body remains outside of our awareness. We don’t focus on the energy-driven processes taking place within our cells, tissues and body systems. We take them for granted. Is it possible to become more energy-aware of these? Some people say we can. The extraordinary skills that some yogis master and some sages describe may be indicators of this possibility. Most of us don’t aspire to be aware on that deeper level. We focus on the more obvious, largely external energy reflections off the surfaces of things with which we interact.
As life, you’re each the king or queen of your domain. As life, you’re each the master of your world. As life, you’re the power that invents goals, and manifests outcomes and destinations. As life, you define the direction and limitations of your journey and the steps you take toward your destiny. It’s part of the power of the life you are. But there’s much more.
The more deeply aware you are of life, the more clearly you recognize the power that you are and how much you have been given. This is just one reason why wise teachers and masters recommend that you invest time every day in voluntary solitude to become more deeply aware of life as well as of awareness. Everything you’ve ever deep down wanted is already present in, or made possible by, these two realms: awareness and life.