What Is “Normal” Health?

Health is the natural state. It is what is normal in nature and in human nature. Life created several different parts of the natural state of health, one for each of the parts of nature and human nature.
Life itself is Perfect Health because, being formless, it can never break down, get sick, deteriorate or die. What has no form can never lose its form. Something in you is indestructible, because formless IS indestructible.
Life created mind, which fulfills two kinds of functions that define mental health. One is the source of creativity, and the second is responsible for survival (protection and procreation) and I call them Mental Health 1 and 2. These two have very different functions.
The first invents new possibilities. It is a function of wisdom that comes from life, light or intuition. Its archetypes are the wizard and sage.
The second protects against harm and ensures reproduction. It’s a function of calmness under fire, protection of life, courtship, mating, and raising as well as educating the brood. The archetypes are the warrior/lover and virgin/mother/teacher.
Some people suggest that there is a third kind of mind, which is involved in the exchange of value. It is used to make deals and agreements. It ‘does the math’, calculates equivalencies, sets down terms of exchange for goods and services, and makes business deals. Its archetype is the merchant.
Life creates Physical Health. Physical health is based on a set of principles and components which, when you live aligned with them, result in a body that works optimally in the natural setting of planet Earth.
Made for activity, physical health also involves rest, recovery, sleep, healing and detoxification.
Made from fresh whole raw organic food, fresh water, fresh air and sunlight, life creates bodies that are fit for activity.
Digestion is also key to physical health. And so is detoxification.
Life creates Social Health, a matter of connection, contribution and play. It’s about membership, belonging, cooperation and social celebration of individual uniqueness.
Life creates Environmental Health, which revolves around our dependence on and relationship with nature. It’s about being grateful for, respecting and taking care of the natural planetary resources on which our existence depends in a long-term sustainable way.
Then there are internal and infinite awareness. These two are in truth the same, but as practical matter, internal awareness is your access to infinite awareness. Both are beyond health, and so I call them Beyond Health 1 and 2. They are the formless foundation from which perfect health (or life) and everything else arises, within which it exists, and into which it dissolves at the end of its cycle of existence.
Then there’s Emotional Health, which is a composite of all of the different kinds of health.
Each of the different parts of health has its own definition, its own nature, and its own unique functions. Each of the different parts of health needs its own specific kind of attention. Each part of health needs attention on a regular basis. Each part of health goes off in a different way. Each part of health responds to a different kind of intervention.
Total health results when you give each part of health its due. Health deteriorates when you fail to give one or more of the different parts of health its due. You regain health when you realign awareness 1 and 2, life, body, minds 1 and 2, society and environment with their nature and their functions.
When all parts of nature and your nature are aligned with their nature and function, your emotional state becomes one of calm presence, clear purpose or serene passion.