Inspiration and Creativity, Part 1: The Bridge

Inspiration is the third key part of total health designed by nature. Inspiration is the non-material bridge between your life and the world you live in, and leads to creativity. In fact, inspiration is the driving force behind vision and purpose. Inspired or energized by life, you create visions in your mind’s eye, embody them for execution, and so manifest them into your world. Out of endless potential, you imagine into being what can create a happier, safer or more comfortable situation.
Inspiration is an experience of awareness of life from which anything is possible. From inspiration, you imagine new possibilities into being. Inspired, you create thriving.
Life-inspired, you are a creator. Out of formless awareness, you first create a mental form—picture, sound, feeling or thought—that has no substance. You enroll your body to translate it into physical form. Translation includes structures made of physical stuff such as wood, glass and metal, but can also be conceptual, institutional or social, like ‘standard operating procedures’ (SOPs), laws, logistics systems (for delivery of goods and services) and so on.
Look around you in any town or city. Everything you see that life made, using humans, involved inspired creativity. Not only the obviously big structures, but the little ones as well, such as nails and rivets, window sills and door frames, and paper clips and post-it notes. Through humans, life imagined books shelves, carpets and air vents into being. Bed sheets, mattresses, pillows, toilets and mirrors came from the gift of inspired creativity. Every part of pots, stoves, fridges and vacuum cleaners arose from life’s inspired creative imagination. Trains, planes, cars and bicycles came from inspired creative minds. Life imagined roads, traffic signs and maps into being. Techno-gadgets and Internet came about, byte by byte, through the inspired creative imagination of thousands of nerds. Life induced millions of people over thousands of years to invest hundreds of trillions of hours in efforts to make the human journey better and safer. When you stop to think about it, it’s both awesome and noble what life has brought about through inspired human creativity.
Life energy is even more awesomely creative and inspired in its biological designs. It produces the genius genetic blueprint that holds the necessary physical directions to build the molecules and complex infrastructures of all creatures’ bodies, big and small. Life also creates brilliant biological systems that adapt different creatures to water, air or land, with glands and organs specialized for a long list of different tasks. Life builds the exquisitely integrated systems that repair, self-renew and reproduce cells and tissues. Life-built systems support individual lifespans that range from minutes to centuries, and the survival of species from brief seasons to hundreds of millions of years.
Life designs the senses, through which it connects you to the physical world of which your body is part. All that you sense–see, hear, feel, taste and smell–serves as the energetic bridges between your body and the physical world.
By its genius design of human beings, life’s inspired creativity enables you to give form to possibilities. Out of the infinite potential that exists in formless awareness, you turn possibilities into plans, and then harness bodies to construct new realities that did not exist in nature. There's more to consider in Part 2.