After being poisoned by pesticides in 1980, I seriously turned my passion and attention to health. I obsessively studied literature, created a method for making oils with health in mind, developed the first ever flax seed oil, authored several
How do carbohydrates make you fat? You make or order food and eat it. By habit, you may like one or more of the following: grains, bread, flour, pasta, potatoes, fries, chips, noodles, corn, muffins, barley, yams, squash, grain-based
This may be hard to swallow, but about 65% of North American population is overweight, including about 30% obese. By 2020, expect 75% of the population to be overweight. And, you can expect 85% of the population to be
What is poison, and why is poison poisonous? Poison is any substance (or energy) that blocks, inhibits or derails natural interactions between the molecules that build and run the biochemical architecture of your body. They are poisonous because they interfere
18 minerals, 13 vitamins, 8 amino acids and 2 fatty acids are ‘essential’ by a specific definition developed by researchers. Essential nutrients are those that fit the following definition.
Life can’t make them from anything else in
Fresh air is healing. When you stand near a waterfall, you breathe in negative ions produced by water falling through the air. Although it is by nature colorless, tasteless and odorless, you can almost smell that fresh charged air.
Your body–fitness, food and more–is the fourth key part of total health designed by nature. But let’s begin with a slightly larger context. As life, you’re creator and instructor on how to use your body. As body, you’re a
In the last article, I discussed how how sugars and starches can keep us healthy and make us sick, and can even kill us. I'll go into more detail on that in today's post.
Some fatty acids found in nature can heal