Social Ease And Connection, Part 13: Rules

Another consideration of social groups involves looking at the nature of their books of rules and constitutions.
First, all sets of rules and all constitutions are flawed documents. Why? They’re flawed because they’re products of human minds, which are by nature dual and split the world. Documents, laws, rules, words and thoughts create conflict: for or against. They don’t bring you heart-felt feelings of oneness: peace, wholeness, perfection, or contentment. They don’t unify. They separate and divide.
In fact, while your heart and life is 100% for you, your mind and the thoughts it creates are 50% for you and 50% against you. The realm of thoughts and documentation is the realm of passionate arguments that create contentious politicians and citizens. Even voting divides groups into opposing factions of winners and losers. Consensus decision-making works better. It’s more heart-felt and does not split groups.
Second, even if the intent of the people who create documents, constitutions, laws and rules is lofty and noble, they can’t transfer this lofty and noble intent to the people they are meant to guide or control, or even to those whom they hire to administer them. Content people use documents in good and creative ways. Discontent people apply the same documents in mean and destructive ways. Written documents of rules and laws themselves can’t make people content or discontent.
Do you see the dilemma? Rules don’t ensure wisdom or insight. Rulers must impose and enforce rules on subjects. It’s why they engender resentment, resistance and rebellion. Eventually, people get fed up and revolt.
It gets worse. The people who service institutions don’t do so according to the high-minded intent of their founders but according to their own state of being in the moment. They have good days and bad days and they too need to be threatened and controlled by fear to try to force them to ‘properly’ carry out their job roles. But threat and force do not lead staff to insights and wisdom.
Here’s the bottom line. In the history of humanity, no group ever developed or educated members into full presence of their lit up inner state of being on a national, institutional, workplace or educational level. Without competence to systematically teach such self-mastery skills, you lack a reliable way to develop strong, self-responsible members or citizens. If you lack these, how will you get strong, self-responsible men, women, parents, children, families, workers, bosses, educators and so on?
It’s like trying to create a peaceful world without peaceful people. That’s not possible. With globally available knowledge and communications technology, self-mastery can now be taught and learned in a deliberate, consistent and practical way. You want 8 billion people to live in peace and harmony together with everyone’s basic needs met? Teach them the nature of their human nature. It’s my mission to help bring that about.