Social Ease And Connection, Part 1: Membership

Social ease and connection is the sixth key part of Total Sexy Health Designed By Nature. A few years ago, a credit card company ad trumpeted, ‘Membership has its privileges.’ It’s true, and membership also has limitations, disadvantages and restrictions. What’s the difference? I’m not strong on blind faith. I want to know.
My parents were children in Europe during the First World War and the communist revolution that followed, then lived through the ‘great’ depression, and then managed to also survive the second world war. After all of that, they were intensely happy to leave Europe. They questioned a lot. “Not everything you hear or read is true,” they said. An ardent student, I learned from them to be skeptical, and to examine if what people say or write is actually true. Proudly question what you hear and read!!! When something is not true but you believe it to be true, it’ll cause you problems. Some say that every problem in the world begins with a lie. What do you think? I could make a strong case for it.
Lies rob you of choice. They’re a form of dictatorship. Unsexy. Knowing truth makes you free. You can choose. The choices you make based on wrong ‘facts’ enslave you. How do you know whether something is true?
Ask, “What’s the standard? True to what? In what context? Compared to what?” For Earthlings, the key answers come down to life’s standards. What is true to life?
Why true to life? Something can be true to culture, fad, work, paranoid fantasy or whim but not be true to life. Life is the standard here because it makes this fragile planet unique, precious and sexy. Life (not money, ideas, or things) is Earth’s greatest treasure and currency. Not only is life is your true wealth (without it, you are nothing and have nothing), but life is also your wisdom, power and magnificence.
THAT’s why life is the standard. When your thoughts, words or actions don’t protect, serve and care for life, hold those thoughts and refrain from acting on them because they aren’t true to life. Much of what you hear and read isn’t true to life but serves other, less noble agendas.