Matters Of Oil And Fat

How often do you change the oil in your car? If you care about your car, you do it on a regular basis, right? You drain out the dirty oil, and you replace it with clean oil.
When did your BODY last get an oil change? Your body needs an oil change, just like your car. It needs you to change your oil intake. It needs you to change from eating dirty damaged oils to eating clean fresh healthy oils. Your body runs better on fresh clean oils. When your body ‘runs better’, you’re healthier and have more energy. When you’re healthier, you have less pain, more fun and a longer life. That’s what better health can do for you. Who, in their right mind, does not want that?
Is your body’s oil change overdue? If you’ve not yet made the oil change from damaged toxic oils to clean essential ones, the answer has to be a resounding ‘YES’!
What kind of oil change does your body need? Your body is a special kind of instrument. To make your inner motor hum, it needs special kinds of oil. We call such oils ‘in their natural state’, or oils ‘made with health in mind’. These oils are rich in essential nutrients that are vital for your life and your health, but that your body cannot make and can only get from the right kinds of foods. To build, sustain and promote health, oils must be in their undamaged natural state. The way nature made them is the way your health requires them.
Specifically, researchers call the two health-supporting nutrients from oils ‘essential fatty acids’ or EFAs. There’s an omega-3 essential fatty acid and an omega-6 essential fatty acid in good oils made with health in mind. We’ll say more about them throughout the book. Both are sensitive to damage done by light, oxygen and heat. In fact, omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids are the most sensitive of all nutritional molecules. They need to be treated with more care than any other nutrient. To protect them from damage, you have to shield them from damage that light, air and heat can do to them. If you want to be healthy, don’t damage them.
Don’t consume health-destroying oils. Oils are damaged when industry uses harsh processing practices in their mass production. Oils are also damaged in our homes and restaurants during food preparation when we apply bad habits such as frying, deep-frying and other high heat applications.
Get and use only oils that were made with your body’s physical health in mind, oils that both help keep your body healthy and that restore what health you lost by eating damaged oils or not getting enough essential ones. Use these beneficial oils in cold, warm and hot foods, but never ever, ever, ever use them for frying or deep-frying or even baking and sautéing if health is what you want.