Life, Light, And Energy, Part 6: Rich

As life, you’re fearless. You are courageous, powerful and independent. You are also real, full, generous and kind. You’re rich, beautiful and true. You’re light. When you know yourself as life, there’s nothing missing. You’ve always been, are now, and will always be rich. Regardless of the shape of your body, mind, group or surroundings, you cannot be hurt, are rich and will never be anything but rich. That is the nature of the energy of life you are.
That’s great news for each of the 8 billion people living here today. Everything that can fall apart will fall apart. Everything that can change will change. Everything that cannot change will not change. Unchangeable is the nature of life, which is perfect health. You can ecstatically celebrate this.
You are rich beyond belief. Life will never let you down. Every gadget and every person on whom you depend will let you down, but life won’t let you down. Even in your darkest hour, life does not abandon you. In death, your body will fail to serve you but life, which is your essence, will be with you forever because it’s what you are.
With life, you’ve been given everything. Life feels perfect. Life is reliable, far beyond your wildest dreams and your physical capacity. Life takes care of everything going on in your body. Life never complains, takes time off, or punishes you for not giving it attention or remembering it. It never charges for its unconditional love. It never asks for anything, gives everything and takes care of the smallest details. It holds you up and holds nothing back. Life fills you with light, enlightens you and makes you wise.
Life answers all your questions, is 100% for you, and has no agenda but to serve your body’s needs and mind’s desires. Life saves you when you mess up, and continues to care for you patiently when you’re physically sick, mentally confused, judged by others or locked up. No matter how long and how far you’ve wandered away, life lets you come back to it the moment you want to come home, without any recrimination. Where else can you find that kind of non-judgmental acceptance?
With life, you have everything. As life, you own the world. You don't own it exclusively, or possessively, or forever. You own it for the moment, and for enjoyment. Has anyone ever been richer than you are? No, but how much of your inborn, life-given riches have you dug out and discovered so far? Life loaded you with goodies, but it doesn’t force you to enjoy any or all of them. You focus on and enjoy only as many as you want, when you want. Want more? Dig more. Happy? Enjoy. Whenever you’re ready, there’s a lot more for you to discover, get to know and enjoy.
On a wagon drawn by an old, tired horse, with a mother and six children fleeing from a war zone where no one is a friend, there’s a child lit up by life in the midst of chaos. Rich beyond measure but not knowing this and therefore fearful and terrified, life holds him in its loving embrace, knowing he will survive, the flight will end and things will get better. This is life’s promise and possibility for every human being. Once I ‘got’ it, I began to feel more grateful.
As life, you are the light in your body and the light in your world. How lit up are you and is your world? Your practice of going to and being the light you are determines how brightly you shine. As life, you’re the unspeakable original word in your body and the word in your world. How present is the word in your world? The answer depends on your practice of inner listening. As life, you’re the feeling of perfect wholeness in your body and your world. How whole is your world? The answer depends on how whole you feel within. It depends on your practice of being aware of the feeling of wholeness rooted within the life you are.
In that experience, I am perfect health in my world. When you are in that experience, you are perfect health in your world. In that experience, each one of us is fully whole and healthy.
You can’t misuse the feeling of life. Heartless acts disconnect you from the feeling of life. I know this from experience. My heart hurts when I act in a mean and heartless way. The ache ends the moment I learn the lesson, resolve not to act that way again, make amends, and change my behavior. The heart ignores apologies. It responds to heartfelt behavior. I like myself best when I live with my awareness heart-centered.
Many people believe in punishing those who transgress the rules of human care and respect. There’s a place for that. People deserve to be protected from those who mean to do them harm. Hopefully, transgressors get put in a place in which they can discover more of the inner beauty and care life has for them, which then catalyzes changes of their destructive behaviors to more constructive ones.
Some people believe, without real world evidence, that ‘bad’ people will be punished after they die. In truth, life punishes heartless behavior instantly. The moment you act heartlessly, you break your connection to the rich and cared for feeling in your heart. Instantly, you deprive yourself of feeling the most fulfilling feeling. You get to return to it after you make things right by giving up the heartless ideas in your mind that led to your heartless actions.
Regarding what you teach in the world, consider that most teaching is double-edged. Information may be used with equal effectiveness for constructive and for destructive ends. However, there is no potential downside of teaching oneness and connection into life.
Be present in your power. Be more fully present every day in the power that, as life, you are.