Life, Light, And Energy, Part 4: Senses

Your senses perceive and measure energy because energy is the power that creates incessant change in the physical world. Using your senses, life monitors these changes to alert you to threats and invitations.
Life looks through your eyes and sees shapes, colors and movement. These are energy impressions from the world within which your body lives. Specifically, they are the difference between sunlight energy absorbed and energy reflected by the surfaces of things in your physical surroundings. Your life looks and sees, knows that it sees, and uses your eyes as the instruments through which it sees. Without the perfect health of life, perfectly healthy eyes are blind.
Life listens through your ears and hears silence broken by the energy of sounds that movement, activity and life produce. It is life, not your ears, that listens and hears. Without life, perfectly functional ears are deaf and hear nothing.
Life feels through your body, both internally and externally, the energy of pressure, pain, pleasure and gravity (position in space) that internal change and close-up activity and movement produce. It is life, not your body, which registers feelings. Without life, a perfectly formed body feels nothing.
Life tastes through your tongue and registers blandness interrupted by the tastes of sweet, sour, bitter, salty, spicy and pungent that the interactions of different molecules with sensing pits in your tongue trigger. It’s life, not the tongue that registers taste. Without life, a perfect tongue tastes nothing.
Life smells through your nose, and registers odorless, fragrance-free air broken by tens of thousands of fragrances that air currents carry and you inhale when you breathe in through your nose. It is life, not your nose that detects odors. Without life, a perfectly structured nose smells nothing.
Your senses inform you of change in the outside world, but you mostly don’t notice the inner light or sound within your body.
What would happen if you could look, listen, feel and taste inwardly? What would you discover? You’d discover the essence. The truth is that you CAN see, hear, feel and taste life when you answer your heart’s longing, get still in solitude and focus your attention within. If you want to do that exploration, and you practice it long enough to become good at it, you find that in the darkness within your being there is light. In the silence within you, there is sound. In the emptiness within your core, there is feeling. In the blandness in your tongue, there is sweetness. In your personal essence, you are that light, that sound, that feeling and that taste.