Social Ease And Connection, Part 6: Invention

One of my inventions has made it around the world, far broader than I could have ever done alone, simply because others stole it. Theft of ideas does not diminish me. It enhances me, and that’s sexy. After all, thieves only steal what has value. In the end, it’s about the contribution, not about my wish for recognition and money, both of which lose all meaning when life goes bye-bye and my body quits and dies.
Look around the world at inventions. You can name few of the inventors. Most died long ago, and no one remembers them. Do you think their inventions are now important to them? Wherever they are, they’re not upset, and the living will continue to benefit from the contributions of these past sexy geniuses for ages to come. The inventors of anything that is more than a few centuries old have been forgotten, but their inventions ‘live’ on.
In social groups, your genius can find expression in ways where many benefit. That’s sexy. It’s nice but not necessary to be acknowledged. There’s no better pat on the back than to see your gift made useful in the world. In the end, your body craps out and you take only a full heart with you. Unshared and undeveloped, your secrets die with you. That’s okay, too. Eventually, others will discover them anew.
The diverse talents that members bring to groups allow each to specialize and all to pool resources. This opens up a wide range of unique prospects that no member can create alone. With full acceptance and encouragement, each member of a social group brings more to benefit all. When members don't feel accepted and cherished, they will sometimes punish the group by keeping their best ideas to themselves. Members and individuals in groups do well to be aware of that. Are you aware of it regarding members of the groups you frequent?
Accept yourself, and bring your talents forward. It feels deep down really good and sexy, even when you don’t receive the accolades that you desire. Let it go. Let your talents and efforts speak for themselves and for you. Take a deep breath, and remember that you are whole and that nothing can take your wholeness from you. When you forget, it’s because your awareness wandered off. Bring it home. Get sexy again. Keep it home. Do your best. Your genius does not result from separation. It is your sexy gift from life to share with other lives.