Inspiration and Creativity, Part 2: Inspiration

Inspired constructive creativity makes physical existence more enjoyable and less painful. Inspired destructive creativity improves life for some at the expense of others. Dreamers, visionaries, poets, composers and storytellers are some of the people whose inspired creativity serves social growth and contribution. We admire such people. There’s something magical about living in imaginary worlds that have not yet been created, and being a source, director and active part of creating them.
The word: ‘inspire’ means ‘to breathe in’. Breathing in, you get in touch with the energy of life. That energy is formless power, light and lightness. Experiencing your energy and insight, you can joyfully dream, imagine and invent anything into existence. What you specifically create depends on where you are, the company you keep, and what is needed.
The light you are delights in lighting up your world. You invent what’ll bring more joy, hope and comfort, or less darkness and pain. You do it globally for all, or you do it locally for a few (family, club, nation, etc.).
Inspiration drives contribution. Feeling inspired, the mental constructs that limit you and get you stuck, evaporate. Inspiration fills your mental ruts with hope and power, which lift you up above them. What’s considered normal and settled no longer stops you from dreaming up something even better.
Inspiration is a freer state of being. It un-tethers you to conceive something new, and releases your energy from the limitations of concepts, beliefs and rules that dampen freedom. With fewer limitations, you can do more things. The impossible becomes possible. Inspiration is inspiring.
Inspiration organizes your entirety around a possibility. It’s a magnificent obsession, an addiction to elevate people and the world. Inspiration is super-hot, electric and attractive to others. People love inspired company. They like to be close to and work in the aura of those inspired.
Inspiration defies logic. Inspiration is a high energy, god-like, felt passion. For better or worse, people follow those inspired, addicted to the connection, even if the goal is destructive. Many of the world’s worst dictators began their journey as inspired leaders promising to improve affairs for their fellow citizens, but changed into monsters as time went on, sometimes leading their country to perdition. The most powerful politicians, business moguls, religious and cult leaders are inspired. Some of them lack empathy for and connection with those who are not part of their small flock of friends. They’ve failed to connect to the internal feeling of being cared for by life. They use their charisma to serve discontent egos and minds, and sometimes create a lot of trouble for themselves and the people who believe in them.
Even when it’s destructive, inspiration is attractive. This makes inspiration dangerous when the goal is not to ‘benefit all at the expense of none’ (Buckminster Fuller). When inspiration is not connected to the internal foundation of contentment, it often leads to disastrous destinies.
History has recorded a long list of misdeeds and catastrophes engineered by inspired but heartless despots. Many such people presently live and occupy positions of great influence and power, without great wisdom. Which heartless, silver-tongued, corrupt influencers do you follow blindly? To which inspired despot or dictator do you give your power?
Your connection to your inner voice of calm, heartfelt wisdom for living is more powerful than any outer source of corruption. When you cultivate it, it protects you from being tricked and victimized. How solid is your connection to the energy and light in your core that is your source of mental clarity? What inspiration have you come up with, built on these? Does what you want to do bring benefit to all at no one else’s cost? In daily practice, do you serve life, people and nature, or do you serve ideas, ideals, and bank accounts?
I'll delve into creativity in Part 3.