Inspiration and Creativity, Part 3: Create

Human beings are creative by nature. Life created us with a mind that enables us to think and even more special, to imagine. It’s what makes us so creative. We use life’s powerful gift of mind to develop thousands of lifesaving, work easing and time sparing conveniences. Before the advent of the human mind, such creations remained unknown in 4 billion years of nature.
Mind is also a powerful curse. In addition to our beneficial creations, we invented super-destructive gadgets and poisonous molecules. We deem these necessary only because we do not use our creativity to devise ways in which we all can be content and live in health and harmony together.
Creativity itself can also be a curse. Yesterday’s breakthroughs become tomorrow’s nightmares. Take fossil fuels, for instance. They made industry, air conditioning and self-powered vehicles possible. A century later, they result in climate change, the loss of species, extreme weather and pollution. While we can argue some points, one fact about fossil fuels cannot be argued. Each atom of carbon from coal, oil or ‘natural’ gas you burn takes two atoms of oxygen out of your breathing air.
Here are other examples. The fishing industry brought us food and raw materials, but decimated fish stocks in our oceans. Plastics enabled thousands of conveniences but now pollute our land and sea. Social rules keep groups together, but turn into sources of intergroup conflict. We learned to use salt to preserve meat and fish, but we cut down forests to create the fires that evaporate water to produce salt. That’s what happened to the forests of England and other parts of Europe. In addition, high blood pressure and other health problems result from using so much salt.
To use your inborn creativity constructively, you need a solid foundation in awareness and life energy. That’s why all wisdom teachers advise that you make awareness of life your priority. It’s why practicing self-knowledge to search, discover and connect to the magnificent foundation of your existence is so important. When you experience that with life you have everything, you’re less tempted to exploit, cheat and kill to get more. Then you’re no longer deluded to think you need to grab more stuff to feel full.
Instead, you feel good when you give what you have in excess of your basic needs to those who have less and need it. When you connect to ‘source’ and feel content, you change from taking more to giving more because you are full now and so have more to give. You do what needs to be done to serve life, instead of obsessively trying to fill your emptiness.
You can now use your personal interests, strengths and abilities, knowing the needs that exist in the world, to make the biggest splash for good. You now live into the needs of situations and circumstances in which you find yourself. People notice. What you do flows better. You become more creative and less destructive. Now, you can create inspired and inspiring thoughts and images, and transform them into realities that enhance life’s innate abundance.
You can now think globally. Thinking big requires the same amount of effort as does thinking small. So why think small? Be a creator of global destinies. Now, no problem is too big to take on. Also, when you’re solid in your foundation and an issue needs course correction, you’re free to make that correction without resistance. You now know that your fulfillment does not depend on outside pursuits, but comes from awareness of your inner foundation. I'll talk more about this in Part 4.