Fitness, Food, And More, Part 8: Poisons

What is poison, and why is poison poisonous? Poison is any substance (or energy) that blocks, inhibits or derails natural interactions between the molecules that build and run the biochemical architecture of your body. They are poisonous because they interfere with natural interactions between molecules in your cells. Avoid poisons. Use natural ways to detoxify. Breathe deep, drink lots of fresh water, eat fresh, whole, organic, plant-based foods that contain prebiotic fibers, and support your liver in its detoxification functions with herbs and spices. And sweat. It’s one of the most effective and underused ways to detoxify.
The longer a poison stays in your body, the longer it messes with optimum health. It’s well known that you can sweat out water-soluble toxins quite easily, and they’ll show up in the water part of your sweat. It’s less well known that oil-soluble toxins tend to be more toxic than water-soluble ones. Fats in your cells and tissues store them. They’re more difficult to remove than water-soluble toxins. The good news: you can sweat out oil-soluble toxins by increasing your intake of good oils made with health in mind.
Use enough good oils made with health rather than shelf life in mind to make your skin soft and smooth. That’d be about one tablespoon of oil per 50 pounds (25kg) of body weight per day, and more if your skin still feels dry. You need more good oil in winter than in summer. To sweat out oil-soluble toxins, take up to twice more oil. Oil-soluble poisons like pesticides, PCBs, dioxins, Agent Orange, benzene, toluene and others rob you of your energy. Sweat 15-30 minutes every day. Sauna is an easy way. Do it for 3-6 months. Use good oil to drive oil-soluble toxins out of your body through your skin. You can measure the toxins in the oil part of your sweat, and you can monitor their decrease in your body. Have a health care professional supervise it.
I did this and experienced the benefit of good oils after pesticide poisoning in the 1980s. Lasseter’s group in the US detoxified Vietnam veterans poisoned by Agent Orange. Sweating is the best way to detoxify. It prevents poisons from damaging your liver and kidneys. In sweating out oil-soluble toxins, your worst symptom might be a temporary skin rash. As poisons leave your body, your energy and your health improve.
Frying is the single worst action human invention ever developed regarding foods and health. Fried foods fry your health and your sexiness. Throw out your frying pan. It’s the biggest single contribution you can make to physical health. To cook, use water. Add good undamaged oils made with health in mind to foods after they come off the heat. Replace the minerals, probiotics, enzymes, amino acids and vitamins that water-cooking leeches, loses, kills, damages or destroys.
Excess carb consumption is the main reason for epidemic overweight and obesity. In 1979, experts recommended that we eat more carbs. In 20 years, overweight rose from 25 to 65% of the population. Consuming more carbs from grains, corn, potatoes and other sweet and starchy foods (bread, pasta, chips, snacks, soft drinks, sweets and desserts) messes you up, big-time. When you eat carbs you burn them or you wear them. It’s the body’s law that excess unburned carbs turn into fats in your body. To improve body functions and physical health, lower your intake of carbs.
The weight (fat) you gain from eating too many carbs sows the seeds for many future problems: cravings, gorging and purging, as well as overeating and obesity. These go on to diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer. Excess weight destroys your body and shortens your time on earth.
The weight you gain from water retention due to inflammation from ingesting pesticides, plastics, industrial chemicals and fried foods, or from lack of probiotics in your gut starts many different problems.
Clear skin, good posture and relaxed alertness are alluring. When you live present in your body and are not ‘lost in thought’, you’re at home in yourself. Intense physical activity that breaks a sweat carries toxins from your body out through your skin. If you don’t sweat, these toxins can remain in your skin, making your skin pale instead of radiant, and enhance the risk of zits, skin infections and other conditions.
The good posture that results when you tone your body through physical activity is beautiful. Weak muscle tone encourages you to slouch. When you are conscious of your body, you are, feel and appear captivating to others. Moving deliberately, you feel and look winning. Practice being comfortably present in your body.
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