Fat-Burning Genes

In every one of your body’s 60 trillion cells, you have several genes for fat burning and you also have a gene for fat production.
When they’re turned on, the genes for fat burning in your cells’ furnaces (mitochondria) use fats as their fuel for energy production. Researchers and biochemists call the process of making energy from fats ‘beta-oxidation’. When they’re turned off, the genes for fat burning in your cells’ energy production factories STOP burning fats as fuel.
- FATS AND OILS DO NOT TURN OFF YOUR FAT BURNING GENES. Fats and oils in your diet and in your body turn ON fat burning. If you’ve got fats to burn, your body adjusts your genes to burn them. It’s completely logical.
- THE FATS YOU EAT (and especially the essential fatty acids they contain) TURN ON YOUR FAT BURNING GENES. It’s practical, logical and necessary that the fats you eat turn on fat burning.
- EXCESS CARBOHYDRATES TURN OFF YOUR FAT BURNING GENES. Since excess carbohydrates (eating more of them than your body burns) can cause many health problems, it is only logical, practical and important that your body makes sure that you burn carbohydrates first.
The Fat Production Gene
When you eat more carbohydrates than you burn, life turns on the gene for fat production in your cells, which makes fats out of any starch or sugar that you ate but did not burn for energy. When it’s turned off, the gene for fat production in your cells does not turn sugar into fats.
- FATS DO NOT TURN ON FAT PRODUCTION. It does not make sense for fats to turn on fat production. Why make more of something that you already have enough of?
- Because excess carbohydrates can be toxic, life turns on the gene that changes these superfluous carbohydrates into fats, which it then stores as a future energy source. This means: CARBOHYDRATES TURN ON THE FAT PRODUCTION GENE. Life doesn’t want to waste carbohydrates. In past times of feasts and famines, feasts led to more fats stored in the body, which had survival value. Extra fat lengthened survival time during famines. If survival is important, and it is, this is just simple logic.
GOOD-FOR-HEALTH OILS TURN ON FAT BURNING in your body, and help you lose body fat. Eat more of the right kind of oil, and your body will burn fats all day long, provided that you exchange carbohydrates for good-for-health oils, rather than taking these oils in addition to the carbohydrates. I call this ‘making a fuel switch’. Make a fuel switch rather than a fuel addition.
Why can CARBOHYDRATES make you fat? Carbohydrates in excess of the amount that you burn in activity can hurt and even kill you. To prevent them from killing you, life TURNS ON the FAT PRODUCTION gene in your body. When that happens, this gene (it’s called fatty acid synthase, which means that its job or function is to make [synthesize] fats in your body) goes on merrily turning sugar into fats in 7 easy steps.
Carbohydrates TURN OFF the FAT BURNING genes (about nine genes are involved) in your body. When you eat more carbohydrates than you burn, your body MUST turn the unburned carbohydrates into fats.