Elements of Presence – Infinite

You experience the infinite in quiet solitude. It’s what your heart longs for and needs. Quench the thirst of your heart to be one with your source and feel that oneness in the core within the depth of your being.
Remarkably, there is in you a longing, want and thirst to know the boundless within you. Many words are used to name that longing.
At 17 years old, I remember feeling pain in my chest. I had no explanation for it because it was not then a topic of common discussion. Looking back, I know that it began much earlier, but the distractions I focused on to obscure that pain ran out when I was 17, and blaming my pain on people and situations no longer worked. I could no longer shake the feeling. Despite deliberately looking for answers, it eluded me for another 13 years.
I had no idea that this was my heart (core) calling my awareness to come back home inside to life. Eventually, a teenager told me, “The peace you search for in the world is within you, and I can reveal you that peace.” I had my doubts because I thought I knew quite a lot about life and living. But having experienced the big war in Europe, peace was important to me, so I decided to take him up on his offer.
Long story short, in 1972 I began a practice of taking time every day for solitude to explore and get to know the inner nature of my being. It completely changed my life from one of fearful and anxious war baby to a most amazingly and unconditionally-loved-by-life baby. I’ve rewritten my life story from the perspective of the personal experience of life’s unconditional love for me, and that new story has replaced most of my war baby story. That’s transformation.
I’ve met no one who could not identify his or her thirst of the heart feeling. People have different names for it, but all know it. Hardly anyone knows what to do with it. Imagine that! We don’t know what to do with the core question of existence. That question has a powerful personal answer. Thirst of the heart is a huge gift because it calls and nags you to keep coming back to the central question of existence until you find the experiential answer to it. When you heed the call and do the work, you find your core.
Historically, most people have lived and died with this central question unanswered. The intensity of that feeling drives most of your creative and destructive activities. When you address the thirst of the heart, you continue to be as creative as ever or even more so, and you become much less destructive.
The thirst of the heart conversation is the starting point for the changes that we need to make in how we live together sustainably as individuals in our natural environment. It’s a potent conversation. Let me know when you want to have it.
The conversation continues in my book Total Sexy Health.