Elements of Presence – Possibilities

You know Beyond Health only by experience. It is the union of awareness with your source. You cannot know the nature of what is beyond health in symbolic, imagined or belief-based ways. It has no existence in your mind, because mental constructs are not real, and Beyond Health exists only in reality. Awareness is YOUR essential nature. Awareness is unlimited, existing inside and outside you, with no break between the center in here and its infinite expansion out here. It’s who everyone, in basic essence, is. All of us are single points in that awareness.
This raw experience of vastness, which is impossible to disturb, is calm peace. Your calm presence is a finely balanced line midway between bragging with bravado and hiding with shame. This is not something you can put on from the outside with powders, fragrances, liners and colors. It’s something that naturally shows up when you fully occupy or inhabit the being you are, which lights up your physical existence as well.
The magnificence of full presence in all of your being cannot be overstated. You can breathe your way toward it, but it is beyond breath. Real is an experience available to every human being at any time. The fact that you are a center of life within a mental framework, within a physical body, within a social group, within a natural environment, on a planet within a solar system, within a galaxy, within timeless infinity is awesome to experience and know.
I’m not talking about something you can take a ‘selfie’ photo of using your cell phone and show off to friends. You can’t make a drawing of it. Words don’t create this reality. You won’t see or hear it on the evening news. This reality shows up only after you’ve let go of words by taking your awareness out of the mental realm. The concepts, theories and belief systems we create, invent and imagine into being have nothing true or real to them. Of themselves, they’re nothing. Before you disagree, bear with me and consider what I’m saying for a few more moments. You can chuck it later.
You think of thoughts and ideas as things, but they are not. This is true even for ideas ‘whose time has come’. However, when you dedicate the power of your life to an idea and commit your body to actions to create a physical reality in the shape of that idea, then you create something real out of an idea that is itself alone, not real.
Let me say it another way. Ideas have no power or reality to them. Your life is power, and your body is its instrument. When you apply both the power of the life you are and the instrument of your body to an idea, you can create a new reality that resembles that idea. It took me a while to ‘get’ that ideas are not real. Once I got it, it empowered me immensely.
If ideas, theories and beliefs are not real, you’re free to make them up any way you want, from nothing, from scratch. None of them will be real. But you can use your life and body to create a reality in line with them. Why not make up ideas that, when you dedicate your life and body to them, manifest a more powerful world than the one into which you were born, cultured and educated?
You might as well make it global and heartfelt, and create it in a way that serves all lives including yours on the planet, rather than just your life and the lives of a few of your buddies, tribe members and friends at the expense of everyone else. This is how you can create new worlds and possibilities that work better for all. The formless reality that exists in each of us contains all possibilities. Anything is possible.
Read more about possibilities in my book Total Sexy Health.