Are You Inspired to Love Life?

This question puzzled me for some time, and I think that I found an answer. It applies to most people, including you and me. It’s based on how we feel about being alive. It’s based on how inspired we feel and how present we are, and it depends on the depth of our self-presence. The more fully we experience (know) ourselves, the better we feel.
In touch with the feeling of life, you feel magnificent, because in your essence, you ARE magnificent. You also feel inspired. Inspired, you are fully present in life. Inspired, your energy is freed to do what needs to be done, and to do what is necessary to prolong the time and quality of life you have on earth.
These follow automatically from feeling inspired, because when you feel taken care of by life, you breathe, think, eat, drink, show up and act with more care from life, which you then automatically pass on to other lives. Self-responsible health care does not precede inspiration. Self-responsible health care follows inspiration.
Every one of you—no matter what your race, gender, age, background, culture, religion, nationality, social status, history, beliefs or memories might be—is a masterpiece that a great universal power through life created in nature. From the core of being, there’s never ever been anything wrong with any human being on earth. The essence of your being has always been whole, and can never be un-whole, no matter what your mental, physical, social and environmental situations are, have been or will be.
Not every human being knows this. More importantly, even when you know the words, or read the books, you don’t necessarily feel it. You don’t experience your self that way. And that is where the trouble begins. Let me look at both extremes, to make a clearer distinction.
Here is my personal experience. When I tune in to life’s love for me and feel loved by life, I feel inspired. Inspired, I have energy. Energized by inspiration, I will gladly make the effort necessary to have the best possible life for as long as possible.
If I need to change a habit, it’s not difficult. If I need to change the way I eat, it’s doable. If I need to change my activity level, I’ll do that. If I need to change the way I think, I’ll change it. If I need to change the way I behave, I will act differently.
All this effort is worthwhile, because I feel loved, taken care of and lovable. When I feel loved by life, I feel love for life. Even though I know that one day my body will end, I want to stay on the incredibly enjoyable journey I’m on for as long as it is physically possible.
You’re on the ride of your life, and you’re here to enjoy it to the fullest of your ability, and to its fullest extent. Quiet or active, you can look forward to more of it.