If You Are Not Feeling Loved…

When I hate my dismal existence, and feel depressed and in misery, I don’t feel like I have energy to do more than the bare minimum. Then taking care of myself is asking too much. So I don’t take care of myself. Consciously or subconsciously, I might not care to live any longer than absolutely necessary. If I feel really miserable, I might even end it. Writing this brought the sad deaths of two of my favorite people, Robin Williams and Anthony Bordain, to mind.
You can’t be inspired and depressed at the same time. Inspiration erases depression. Inspiration follows from direct, personal, experiential self-knowledge of life. All human beings live somewhere between the feeling of depression and the inspired feeling of love for life. Between them, you might feel numb, not much or nothing. On either side of that nothing, you can experience a wide range of feelings.
Inspiration drives life-affirming thoughts and actions. Inspiration is the foundation of positive intent. To me, therefore, inspiration is Nutrient #1 in anyone’s program for optimum health and quality of life.
You discover the inspiration that exist within you by any practice that gets you in touch with the inner reality of your living presence. If your practice leads to inspiration, it’s a keeper. If it does not, you need to find something that does. When you commit to that one basic inspiring practice, everything else becomes much more easily manageable. It might even turn into fun and joy. Start there!!