Why Neglecting Your Oils Can Hurt You

Fats and oils come in two completely contradictory forms. There are fats/oils that heal, and there are fats/oils that kill. The truth is that to make good choices for better health, you have to know which is which, and then choose the fats/oils that heal.
Keys to Health and Disease
- More physical health problems come from bad (damaged) oils than from any other part of nutrition.
- More physical heath benefits come from good (undamaged) oils than from any other part of nutrition.
Of all your foods, oils are the most neglected, complicated, misunderstood, sensitive and misrepresented. Most people are confused about their value to health. Two opposite stories must be told about oils and health. When you know which fats/oils are beneficial and which ones hurt you, you can choose the ones for health. Until then, you won’t know which ones to buy, or how to use the fats/oils you buy.
Oils are the most sensitive and therefore most easily damaged of the essential nutrients. Light, oxygen in the air, and high temperature damage them, and then they damage your body. You don’t know how your oils are made, and you don’t know how your oils SHOULD be made to improve and maintain your health. Read on and find out.
The truth is that most people use bad oils in bad ways that cause health problems.
Oil Change
The truth is that to improve health, your body needs an oil change, just like your car. You know that it’s important to drain out the dirty oil that wrecks your engine, and to replace it with clean oil that lets your motor run smooth at maximum efficiency. Dirty oil out, clean oil in! It’s simple, not complicated.
When it comes to your body, you don’t know which fats/oils to stop using, and which ones to use instead. Most oil marketing ads hide the truth of their damaged products, and mislead you by implying falsely that you’re getting something good by blatantly misrepresenting inconvenient facts that researchers have known for decades.
Where do you go to get the truth? Life and nature hold the truth you need. To get to know the truth you need, you should observe life and nature. That takes time. Since I love and have a passion for it, I can help you a little bit. Get truth regarding health and nature here. Why do I say ‘a little bit’? I say it because the big part is not the information that I can give you, but the actions you take to translate that information into better habits for health.
What have I learned from life and nature? Life and nature are your masters, and to be healthy, you have to live aligned with life and in line with nature. Francis Bacon said it well: ‘We cannot command nature except by obeying her.’