My Personal History With Oils

May I digress for a moment to give you a bit of the history of my involvement with the topic of fats and health? 1981 was only one year after I had
- Been poisoned by pesticides
- Learned that doctors had no solution for my poisoning
- Realized that my health is MY responsibility
- Decided, given that my body is made from food, that nutrition should be the first place to look for answers (at the time, I skipped out on taking water and air seriously)
- Begun to focus my attention on nutrition research in the scientific literature, reading studies on nutrition and health as well as nutrition and disease
- Learned the precise definition of ‘essential’, the cornerstone of nutrition’s importance and powerful effectiveness to build health and reverse and prevent disease
- Begun to explore the world of research that had been done on food fats and oils (lipids)
- Run into contradictions whose resolution forced me to delve into the way edible oils are processed by industry and used in restaurants and our homes in food preparation
- And had found research information detailing the damage done to edible oils by industrial processing and food preparation methods carried out at high temperatures
The timing of my poisoning that got my attention and motivated my search for answers in the research literature turned out to be quite perfect, although I am clear that this synchronicity of timing was not MY doing, but that of forces much larger than I and out of my control. I was there at the right time, with the right problem, looking for a real solution, asking the right questions. But even the ability to ask the questions and do the work to find answers were gifts given to me by life.
Altogether, these events and findings led me to conclude that I could not get healthy on damaged oils, and that oils should be made with health rather than shelf life in mind. Poisoned, I was just desperate and driven enough to decide to develop a method for pressing oils ‘with health in mind’. You’re the beneficiary of the motivation and learning generated by my self-tailor-made pesticide poisoning disaster.
I read his first book about 30yrs ago when I picked it up at a second hand book store that had marked it down. You must read his book. Soy oil is poison. Seed and bean oils in general are bad for your health. Crisco was originally a German process used to create lubrication grease for submarines. Processed foods are full of these BAD oils. I am over 70 and still have low normal BP. I gave up vegetarianism….. Eating beef and pork I now feel great. Sleep well….etc. Reduced my cab intake by about 90%. Have the weight of when I was 18 yrs old. Dump carbs and sugar…including artificial sweeteners. Drop star Bucks… their drinks have more sugar than a bottle of soda. If you do anything…… read his original book on OILs… Then toss all of your canola in the trash.
Read your personal history of your involvement with the topic of fats and health. I’m happy to report, I am just ONE beneficiary of the motivation and learning generated by Udo’s self-tailor-made pesticide poisoning disaster. Healthy Healing Salad Dressing Recipes —>Using Udo’s 369 Oil Blend —>For Health & Pleasure 🤗