Fats: Bad or Good?

Are fats bad? I get that question all the time. The truth is: Fats are like people. Some are bad and some are good, based on their behavior.
Bad fats are bad. Good fats are good. Bad oils are bad. Good oils are good. Some are really bad. Some are really good. To be really healthy, you need the really good ones. And to choose the really good ones, you need to know fats a bit better.
Life makes really good fats/oils in nature. You get pesticide-poisoned oils from the seeds and nuts that contain them if you choose not to insist on only eating organic seeds, nuts, beans and oils. Industry damages oils by treating them with harsh chemicals during processing for the sake of a longer shelf life.
Industry damages them further by heating oils to high (frying) temperatures BEFORE bottling these damaged oils and making them available for you to purchase. On top of that, restaurants damage oils even more in cooking, and you damage them at home in your own kitchen, where you turn them into poisons by overheating oils during your high heat applications, especially frying and deep-frying. If health were given high priority by governments, all cooking with oils would be outlawed, and it would become illegal to own a frying pan.
Light, oxygen and heat damage nature’s good oils. You expose them to the simultaneous effect of all three of these in your frying pans. When you use them to ‘cook’ your foods, you extensively disfigure them. Then THEY disfigure YOU. They damage your health. Fried oils and fats fry health. Fried carbohydrates fry health. Fried proteins fry health. ALL fried, burned and blackened foods hurt health.
To be healthy, you must consume oils in their natural, health-supporting state. To be healthy, you must remove damaged, health-destroying, bad oils and fats from your foods and your body, and bring good oils (or the seeds, nuts, beans or grains that contain them) in. When you do this, your health can improve in many significant ways. You’ll likely live substantially longer, and more important, you’ll enjoy better quality of life during the time you have on earth. Live longer and feel better. You want that, right?
An oil change for the body is a small price to pay for having both longer life and better health. What person in their right mind would not want that for the people and pets that they hold dear? And who would not want these for themselves? Do you want these for yourself?